Make Sense of
Complex Markets
Security Analysis and Relative Value
Cashflow Projections and Price / Yield
Seamless Excel Integration

CLO Analytics Reimagined
Valitana Analytics empowers investment professionals to successfully evaluate US and Euro collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) by leveraging numerous third-party data providers and employing advanced analytical methods.
Valitana Analytics is cloud hosted and can be accessed via web browser, Excel plugin, and programmatic API.

Price / Yield Tables
Project cashflows and run Price / Yield tables with one keystroke, and reprice in fractions of a second. Easily define and utilize custom scenarios that specify deal-level, loan-level, and market assumptions.

BWIC Parsing
Why review the thousands of messages you receive from dealers weekly? Our proprietary BWIC and Offering parser collates all this information into one convenient place.

Find Comps Quickly
Why spend time scouring historical BWIC color to find similar securities? Our proprietary similarity algorithm can quickly and easily find comps that have recent price color, and help you triangulate a price in seconds.
CLO Deal Analysis
Deep dive into the analytics and relative value metrics of any deal. Easily compare multiple deals. Create your own custom analytics using any piece of data available in Valitana. Display historical metrics based on different deal dates and pricing dates.
Additionally, run valuations with an unlimited set of your own custom cashflow projection scenarios where you can specify loan-level assumptions. Quickly run price / yield tables and liquidation NAVs.

Manager Analysis
View aggregate metrics and percentiles across numerous deals for a single manager. View loan exposures based on different bucketed distributions for a set of selected deals. View overlapping collateral between deals, portfolios, or managers. Dive into manager transactions and P&L at the issuer or industry level.

BWIC Bid Tracking
Use our dynamic bid entry screen to quickly enter bids and keep track of best, cover, third.

Portfolio Surveillance
Draw insights from aggregate metrics based on your CLO holdings. Quantify obligor and facility exposure by looking through each CLO to the underlying assets.

Quickly Format BWICs
Quickly format and send one or more BWICs (or bonds) using your own custom formats.
Managing Director, Structured Products, Broker/Dealer
Portfolio Manager, Hedge Fund
Portfolio Manager, Alternative Investments, Asset Manager
See what our clients are saying
Get started with Valitana
Schedule a demo to see how Valitana can help your team. Or contact us by email at